



The original layout is a general three-bedroom. In terms of space planning, we appropriately divide the space of one room into the living room, master bedroom, and guest bathroom. Based on the existing layout and needs, the main daily activity area is enlarged, and it is moving. Collinearity is adopted on the line to reduce the movement of a single demand, and the elongated pattern is divided into several square spaces of different sizes, and the design and planning are continued according to this concept.

The indoor floor area is 79.4m2, with the north facing south, and the gate is centered as shown in the figure below


  1. 只需要兩個房間兩位大人與一位小孩
  2. 有風水考量需要玄關
  3. 客浴室開門位置不要在廚房裡
  4. 主臥需要一個更衣室
  5. 客廳因為長時間使用希望空間相對大
  6. 浴室要有一個可容納3人大浴缸
  7. 祖宗牌位需對客廳窗

After communicating and discussing the needs of the owner
1. Only need two rooms, two adults and one child
2. There are feng shui considerations and entrances are needed
3. Do not open the door of the guest bathroom in the kitchen
4. The master bedroom needs a dressing room
5. The living room needs a relatively large space because of long-term use
6. The bathroom must have a large bathtub that can accommodate 3 people
7. The ancestral tablet needs to face the living room window

There should be no errors in the size accuracy of the space configuration. All furniture and moving lines must be within the planned scale. We hope to make full use of the space, integrate all the deformed spaces, and be configured in a limited space.
We first confirm the most space-saving configuration of the room requirements and then extend it outwards. If we have remaining space elsewhere, we can consider whether we need to provide the room or the living room. In a series of trial and error processes, there will be 3 to 5 types. The spatial configuration of these configurations, cross-analysis in these configurations, will arrive at a relatively good only positive solution.

When the area is endowed with functions, there will be a minimum space. The configuration can meet the requirements is the basis of the design. The floor plan determines the future possibilities. After completing the phased tasks, it integrates the owner's preferences and discusses the design style.

The porch maintains a sense of transparency, and the ceiling of the cabinet body presents a sense of height that should be 3.6 meters.

Above the porch, extend straight to the ceiling of the grille in the opposite direction of the long pattern, and then divide the long pattern into two square areas by the position of the compartment.
The TV wall is suspended 5 meters in length, leaving a little interaction between the living room and the hallway. The height of the cabinet does not block the view of the doorway, and it can be visually extended.

When the light source is sufficient, we choose blinds to feel the change of the sun's shadow in the morning and afternoon, and the interactive relationship between the clock and the shadow becomes interesting.

The special landscape wallpaper is used at the head of the bed to make the space associate and the heart desires.

Choose relatively lively colors and materials in the kitchen to balance the temperature that the kitchen should have.